Bioengineering & Life Sciences Funding Opportunity

The Notre Dame Bioengineering & Life Sciences Initiative has issued its first Call for Proposals.  The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2024. 

2024 Call for Proposals to Form Collaborative Multidisciplinary Teams

The Notre Dame Bioengineering and Life Sciences Initiative (BELS) solicits proposals to form Collaborative Multidisciplinary Teams to address compelling problems related to any of the Initiative's three research themes and describe work within any of the seven research project areas, or closely related areas. These themes and areas were identified by the BELS PI community at its May 2024 workshop and are described in more detail here (login with NetID to view). Briefly, they include:

Health Foundations

  • Multiscale Dynamics and Biological Function — Understand and exploit multiscale dynamics as a critical determinant relating function and dysfunction to disease state.

  • Omics to Phenotype — Move beyond genomics to incorporate the full range of omics information to understand how disparate factors lead to phenotype.

  • Bridging Data-to-Treatments — Develop data-informed models of host and disease to define the data needed for precise treatments to improve outcomes.

Health Technologies

  • Engineering Immunity — Use engineering principles to extend deep molecular-level understanding of immunity to develop vaccines, treatments, diagnostics, and prognostics.

  • Resilience to Emerging Diseases — Prepare for new diseases before they become a threat to the population.

Health Equities

  • Universal Platforms — Build platforms that diagnose and/or treat multiple disease states.

  • Remote Access — Develop technologies that empower people to manage their health independent of location or socioeconomic status.

Goals and Character of the Program

The overarching goal of the Collaborative Multidisciplinary Teams program within BELS is to significantly advance the national research footprint of the bioengineering and life science disciplines at Notre Dame. To accomplish this, research investments in Collaborative Multidisciplinary Teams are expected to grow beyond the initial investment by attracting external awards—both at the individual and small team level—but, more importantly, by successfully attracting center grants and other large-scale investments.

Application details

Who May Apply

Teams may be composed of three or more regular members of the Notre Dame faculty and such research personnel (graduate research assistants, postdoctoral research associates, staff scientists, etc.) as required to carry out the research program.

Number of Awards

BELS anticipates awarding up to $800,000/year total to multidisciplinary teams working in the areas described. Teams may request funding for up to three years of work and may compete to renew the project funding at the conclusion of the 3-year project period.

Team Construction

Teams may consist of three or more faculty researchers representing different disciplines. Teams should be large and diverse enough to realistically address problems with 10-year time horizons. Three members is a minimum, but the expectation is that most teams will be larger. It is anticipated that successful projects will continue over several BELS grant cycles and that the composition of teams may change with the demands of project execution. All teams must identify and work through 1 or 2 team leaders (PIs/co-PIs). Team leaders will be responsible for organizing, managing, and assuming overall scientific/technical responsibility for the research project.

Award Disposition

Teams may request funds to support a range of activities supporting the scientific/technical goals of their project. These include support for graduate and/or postdoctoral researchers, mission-critical equipment, travel in support of the project objectives, laboratory supplies, facilities use charges, publication charges, and costs of supporting internal workshops and on-campus conferences. Because BELS teams are funded internally, F&A charges are not applied. Salary support for faculty team members is not allowed.

Proposal Process and Due Date

Teams are encouraged to confer with BELS leadership to the extent that such discussions can assist in the preparation of strongly competitive proposals. To facilitate information transfer, BELS will conduct two open Q&A sessions, both in-person in 103 McCourtney Hall and simultaneously via Zoom. These are scheduled for 2:00–3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, and 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

RSVP to receive the Q&A session Zoom link

Proposals responsive to this call are due September 30, 2024, and will be evaluated using a rigorous external review process that includes experts outside of Notre Dame.

How to Apply

All proposals should be submitted by e-mail as a single PDF file to and should contain the elements listed below:

  1. Title page, including contact information for the PI(s).

  2. Five-page project narrative — including: (a) short summary, including relevance to BELS research themes and areas; (b) goals/aims; (c) plan for research and growth; (d) milestones and expected outcomes; (e) sustainability plan, including plans for faculty recruitment; and (f) other personnel and resources leveraged.

  3. Bibliography (no page limit).

  4. List of Current & Pending Support.

  5. Budget, with justification.

  6. Two-page CV for all PIs.

  7. Suggested External Reviewers and Reviewers to Avoid.

Evaluation Criteria

All proposals will be reviewed for: (a) scientific excellence; (b) relevance to program objectives; (c) feasibility of the research plan; (d) capacity for growth through sustainable external support; and (e) potential for technology translation (if applicable). After peer-review ratings are received, proposals will be ranked and a proposed set of funded projects presented to the BELS Executive Committee for approval.

Reporting Requirements

Annual scientific/technical reports will be required from Collaborative Multidisciplinary Teams. These will include: (1) a narrative description of the research accomplished in the preceding year; (2) evaluation of the team's efforts to meet growth milestones and expected outcomes; (3) a description of any particular challenges faced by the team in the preceding year; (4) a brief description of plans for the coming year; and (5) references to all publications of scientific presentations acknowledging BELS support.

Due Date

Proposals submitted in response to this call will be accepted until 11:59 p.m., September 30, 2024.

Apply now


Please visit the FAQ page. Contact Managing Director Arnie Phifer with additional questions about the submission process. Scientific/technical questions can be discussed with BELS Director Paul Bohn