Democracy Catalyst Grants FAQ

The Notre Dame Democracy Initiative solicits proposals from across the University related to the study of democracy, including thematic areas of Democracy & Culture, Democratic Institutions, and Democracy & Religion. This can include research projects, programming and events, and new course development. Details on how to apply for this strategic framework funding opportunity are here. The deadline for submissions is October 18, 2024. The FAQ below covers more detailed questions related to eligibility, budgets, and proposal content.


  • Is this opportunity available to faculty hired recently with a departmental startup, but with no extramural funding?
    All regular faculty are eligible to apply. All additional funding sources for the project must be noted in the budget.


  • Could an incoming faculty member whose appointment is pending visa sponsorship apply for this grant? 
    If a future regular faculty member’s offer letter has been signed, they are eligible to apply for funds as long as the project timeline begins after they have started employment.


  • Are there any limits on how many co-PIs are allowed to be involved with a particulargrant application?
    No. We do encourage cross-university interdisciplinary teams, but this is not a requirement.


  • Are student groups allowed to apply?
    Yes. Recognized student groups may apply.


  • Can graduate students apply for support for their research?

Budget and Allowable Expenses

  • How much can I request?


  • How many years can I receive funding?
    1-3 years. Yearly budgets do not need to be equal.


  • Can external collaborators be funded through this award?


  • Can we spend grant money on travel and accommodation for external collaborators to visit ND, in the manner of an invited speaker?
    Yes, if it furthers the convening goal of the Democracy Initiative.


  • Can research/formation/convening-related travel expenses be included in the budget?


  • If our work involves international fieldwork and we need to hire local partners to collect and help analyze data on the ground, can we add these expenses as lines in the budget?
    Yes, as long as other personnel such as PIs, Co-PIs, and research assistants meet eligibility criteria. If the fieldwork will be conducted outside of the United States, please note this fact. It will not affect evaluation of the proposal but will help determine if additional administrative support may be needed.


  • Can Catalyst funding be used to hold meetings and conferences?


  • Are expenses for covering a portion of research staff (i.e. a Research Assistant) salary allowed?
    Yes. See eligibility criteria above.


  • How detailed should our estimate of expenses be? Do I need a formal estimate included in my proposal or are typical ballparks sufficient?
    The budget justification needs to have sufficient detail for the review committee to determine the appropriateness of the requested amount. We are particularly interested in the potential for ongoing external support/sustainability.


  • How much money is available to distribute?
    Up to $1 million total.


  • Is faculty salary support, e.g. summer salary, an allowable expense?


  • Are there other unallowable expenses? 
    Yes. these include course buyouts, fringe benefits, and office space or furnishing


  • When will Democracy Catalyst funding become available?
    Initial investment announcements will be made in late November and be immediately billable.

Proposal Content

  • What disciplines will be prioritized?
    All disciplines are encouraged to apply. Prioritization of topics will be based on alignment with the mission of the Democracy Initiative rather than on a specific discipline.
    Can the proposal overlap with submitted external proposals that are pending review?
    Yes. Be sure to note how the project may be funded by other funding sources.


  • Does a proposed project have to be new? Or, can the proposed project be an expansion of existing work (broadly defined)?
    Catalyst funds are aimed at catalyzing new projects. These can be new iterations on existing projects but needs to show how the project offers new avenues of research, teaching, or convening.


  • Can I apply with two different projects (as Co-PI with different ND units)?
    There is no limit on the number of proposal teams in which a researcher may participate.


  • Can I apply for a Catalyst grant if I receive funding from another strategic framework grant program?