
What further steps can we take to internationalize Notre Dame in the education we offer, the research and scholarship we do, the engagement of international students and scholars on our campus, and the presence we have around the globe?

Committee Charge

  • Assess the current state of our efforts around this theme and its place at Notre Dame
    • What is being done?
    • What are the strengths?
    • Where are the weaknesses or gaps? 
  • Identify a small number of priority areas within this theme where Notre Dame can be distinctive and have the most impact over the next decade;
  • Based on your conclusions about where we can focus our energy and resources, develop a vision and set of specific recommendations for the initiatives, resources, and structures needed to move this theme and our goals forward.

Key Questions

Explore the following questions related to the Theme of Global/International:

  • With the University’s Catholic character as a foundation, how can Notre Dame increase the internationalization of the University?
  • How best can Notre Dame evolve/enhance undergraduate education in ways that form our students as global citizens and increase their cultural fluency?
  • What innovations in graduate education can the University implement in order to form our students as global citizens and increase their cultural fluency?
  • How can the University leverage our research and scholarship to increase global research collaborations and advance the University as a global research institution?
  • At the University level, what initiatives should Notre Dame pursue to bring the world to Notre Dame and Notre Dame to the world?
  • What opportunities exist for interdisciplinary collaboration in both research and course development internationally?
  • How can we increase international/global experiential learning opportunities?

Committee Members

Ian Kuijt, Co-Chair
Professor of Anthropology
Faculty Fellow, Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies
Faculty Fellow, Nanovic Institute for European Studies

Marya Lieberman, Co-Chair
Professor of Chemistry

R. Scott Appleby, Committee Member
Marilyn Keough Dean of the Keough School of Global Affairs
Professor of History

Beth Archie, Committee Member
Professor of Biological Sciences

Viva Bartkus, Committee Member
Paul E. Purcell Associate Professor of Management & Organization
Director of the Meyer Business on the Frontlines Program

Catherine Bolten, Committee Member
Director of Doctoral Studies, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Peace Studies
Concurrent Associate Professor of Africana Studies
Fellow, Eck Institute for Global Health

Martijn Cremers, Committee Member
Martin J. Gillen Dean of the Mendoza College of Business
Bernard J. Hank Professor of Finance

Fr. Robert Dowd, C.S.C., Committee Member
Vice President and Associate Provost for Interdisciplinary Initiatives
Religious Superior of Holy Cross Priests and Brothers at Notre Dame

Michel Hockx, Committee Member
Director, Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies
Professor of Chinese Literature

Caroline Hughes, Committee Member
Associate Dean for Policy and Practice, Keough School of Global Affairs
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Chair in Peace Studies

Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Committee Member
Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs

Michael Pippenger, Committee Member
Vice President and Associate Provost for Internationalization

Michael Sweikar, Committee Staff
Executive Director, Pulte Institute for Global Development, Keough School of Global Affairs

Cindy Swonger, Committee Scheduling and Administrative Support
Dean’s Administrator, Keough School of Global Affairs

Lissa Bill, IRIS Liaison
Senior Strategic Planning Program Director, Institutional Research, Innovation, & Strategy