Updated: August, 2023

Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society


Adventurously collaborative, Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society is forging connections between intellectual capital, industry domain knowledge, and the leading edge of data science; defining intelligence that goes far beyond 1s and 0s.


Guided by Notre Dame’s Mission, the Lucy Family Institute adventurously collaborates on advancing data-driven convergence research, translational solutions, and education to ethically address society’s wicked problems. As an innovative nexus of academia, industry, and the public, the Institute also fosters data science access to strengthen diverse and inclusive capacity building within communities.


To become the preeminent intellectual beacon, inspiring collaborative, equitable, and impactful data innovations as a global force for good.



1. Become the epicenter where disciplines and expertise collide to inspire and perform socially responsible, ethical, and impactful data science research, education, and interdisciplinary applications.


  1. Collaborate with departments, colleges, and schools at Notre Dame to amplify collective data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities.
  2. Create an approachable physical space for serendipitous connections among diverse thinkers and doers.
  3. Foster and implement initiatives that bring local and global communities together to define problem statements and pursue scalable solutions.

  4. Strengthen engagement with industry to facilitate co-innovation of solutions to use-inspired challenges and cultivate pathways for workforce development.

2. Pursue emergent research questions and translational challenges to accelerate data-driven solutions for society’s wicked problems.

  1. Design a framework for the Institute that enables fundamental to convergent advances in research and scholarship, responsive to the strategic priorities of the University.

  2. Spearhead solution discovery to emergent wicked problems through domain-informed, multidisciplinary, and data-driven research.
  3. Lead the development of a data platform that integrates several data assets and becomes a campus and community resource.

  4. Accelerate translational research through agile advancement of innovations to market and society.

3. Design and implement ethical and inclusive data science education programs to build access, capacity, and leadership.

  1. Identify gaps in data science capacity and experience in communities and industry and co-create training programs that are responsive to such stakeholder needs and the latest developments in data science and AI.
  2. Scale experiential learning and educational programs for students to lead on socially responsible data science and AI.
  3. Develop a flagship postdoctoral scholar program at interface of data and domain(s), supporting research of faculty affiliates across colleges and schools.
  4. Develop and deliver responsive learning opportunities for campus constituents through workshops and seminar series.

4. Cultivate a driven, agile, and inclusive environment that enables all team members to thrive and collectively deliver on the Institute’s goals.

  1. Recruit and retain mission-motivated and collaborative team members whose strengths and interests align with key objectives.

  2. Enhance communication across the Institute to increase transparency, effectiveness, and openness.

  3. Nurture a vibrant team spirit, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) culture, and supportive climate.

5. Establish the Lucy Family Institute as a collaborative, mission-driven, global thought leader.

  1. Spark and popularize the journey from innovation to translation for societal impact.
  2. Foster dialogues among varied stakeholders on data and AI as a global force for good.
  3. Create a comprehensive internal and external communication strategy to increase outreach and promote Institute endeavors.
  4. Become an impartial and trusted public voice on ethics governing data and AI.


Learn more about Lucy Family Institute by visiting lucyinstitute.nd.edu