Connect with Notre Dame Learning


Location: Morris Inn Smith Ballroom (View on map )

overhead image of the golden dome with the words "Connect with the Framework"

This semester, the Office of the Provost will continue the Connections Series and its focus on the Strategic Framework, inviting faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdocs to learn more about Notre Dame Learning on Monday, Nov. 4.

The event will include a short program featuring a conversation with Vice President and Associate Provost of Teaching and Learning Ron Metoyer, who coordinates efforts to advance pedagogical practices on campus. There will be an opportunity for Q&A as well as for fellowship and conversation with colleagues. Drinks and food will be served. In order to plan accordingly, we ask that you please RSVP for these events.

RSVP for the Nov. 4 Connections Series event

Notre Dame Learning houses the Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence and the Office of Digital Learning, bringing together their teaching and learning expertise along with that of the OIT’s Teaching & Learning Technologies group to serve as the hub of learning excellence and innovation at Notre Dame. Working in collaboration with instructors, departments, and colleges, ND Learning works to enable effective and engaging learning for all students through research-based strategies and effective use of technologies across all modalities. Learn more at

The Provost's Office created the Connections Series to strengthen our sense of community, highlight the work of interdisciplinary institutes, centers, and other academic units, and build a culture of scholarly connection across disciplines, colleges, and schools. More Connections Series events will be announced in early spring.